Nathan Przybylo

Nathan is a former associate at Beghou Consulting, Nathan received his MBA from Cornell University. He received a BS in Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University and has experience of 12 Years and counting in the investing industry

April 27, 2024

Small Cap Quality Stocks: The Gift from the Index Fund Complex

November 21, 2022|

Our team believes in inefficient markets, behavioral finance, empirical evidence, and common sense. Having penned brutally simple pieces explaining the risks large cap, large-cap, and small cap index fund owners are taking, our recent exchange with an advocate of index funds was inevitable. The caller was upset.

Flush With Cash & the Quick Swing in Sentiment

November 11, 2022|

How the Rotation from Risk On to Risk Off is…Creating Risk - The Oxford University Press tells us that the principal meaning of being “flush with cash” is having a lot of money, usually for a short period of time. The last part of the definition is interesting considering investors’ newfound interest in holding abundant piles of cash. A recent article headlined with “Retail money market funds inflows are the highest in 30 years as investors seek safety.”

Large Cap Growth Index Funds & the Path to Poverty

November 4, 2022|

A Quick Peek at the Russell Large Cap Growth Index - Understandably smitten with low fees and a long bull market, index fund promoters appear to have the data on their side. A collection of financial heretics, the authors of this investment newsletter have highlighted what we believe are the defects endemic to index funds today. In the interest of simplicity, we have used single factors to highlight just how these...

Inflation is Taxation without Legislation or Representation

October 28, 2022|

The Cash Crucible & the Acceleration of Financial Repression - “Cash is a Legitimate Asset Class for the First Time in Decades, Investors are piling into products that shield them from losses in a rising rate environment.” So said a recent article in Bloomberg. Any headline-hailing investors “piling” into anything should trigger instant paranoia.

S&P Energy ETF vs. Apple

October 14, 2022|

The Case for Investing in What you Need vs. What you Want Made Simple - Since 2020, this newsletter has used historical data to explain the case for investing in companies that make what you need while shelling overpriced companies that make what you want. KCR’s research has demonstrated that the market’s valuation structure has, and continues to, favor firms that provide popular discretionary goods and novelty technologies over companies that make essentials to human life.

Macro Research: Will Math Ever Matter in the US?

October 7, 2022|

Tap Dancing with TINA & a Moment to Remember in US Monetary Policy - Macro Investing: The Rising Pressure of a Decade of Fiscal Profligacy - KCR’s investment process does not use macro inputs or engage in macro trading. We use historical security-level data around valuation, profitability, quality, and other metrics to identify opportunities for short sellers and long investors alike. Macro investing can be a challenging endeavor.

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